Please check out FAQ section below. If you find that you have any additional questions, email Coach Kate at

How many days in advance is the schedule posted?

The schedule posts a month ahead, plan to book your lesson out. Although some cancellations will come through the best way to guarantee a lesson spot is booking in advance.

I don't see anything on the schedule?

Once a lesson is booked, it comes off the schedule. If you are not seeing it on the schedule, it means it is not available. 

I don't see private lessons with Coach Kate on the schedule, why?

Coach Kate's lessons are currently booked out and on a cancellation list. 

Long before HomePL8 existed, the athletes who have standing lesson spots have been training with her for years. These athletes will occasionally cancel their weekly standing lesson, which is when you will see spots pop up. Feel free to grab one if it does, but availability will vary depending on the week! 

How do I cancel my lesson?

You will need a 24 hour notice to cancel your lesson, no shows will lose their lesson credit. Click on "my schedule" and hover over the lesson you would like to cancel. 

What is the difference between fundamental and advanced catching?

 In the fundamental classes, you spend more time breaking it down step by step, in the advanced class it is expected you understand the basics and it is faster paced. If you are new to catching, we recommend starting with the fundamental session. 

Even if you have caught for a few years but don't feel confident in one area, check the fundamental schedule - it would be good to jump in one of those that breaks down that area and you can spend a little more time.